The Central Civil Services Revised Pay Rules (2008) have been notified. The pay structure has been modified totally bringing in new concepts of Pay Bands and Grade Pay.
For the organized accounts set-up the most significant development in the revised pay rules is the merger of certain scales and the up-gradation of pay scales of certain posts. I have already touched upon the topic of merger of scales in my previous blog. Here I will discuss the topic of up-gradation of pay scales.
The pay scales of SOs/JAOs has been upgraded from pre-revised scales of 6500-200-10500 to the pre-revised scale of 7500-250-12500, that of the AAOs has been upgraded from 7450-225-11500 to 7500-250-12500 and the pay scale of AOs has been upgraded from 7500-250-12500 to 8000-275-13500. What does this up-gradation mean in real terms to these officials ? How does it benefit them during fixation and promotion ? Let me answer these questions.
A reading of the notification and the clarification issued by the government clearly indicates that the up-gradation does not mean that these officials will get placed in the higher pay scale on 01-01-2006 and that their fixation under revised pay bands will be with reference to their pay in the up-graded scale. The up-gradation only means that these officials will draw the grade pay of the up-graded scales. Thus a SO/JAO and a AAO will draw grade pay of 4800 (which is the grade pay for the scale 7500-12500) and an AO will draw grade pay of 5400(which is the grade pay of the scale 8000-13500). Let me illustrate this with some examples
For the organized accounts set-up the most significant development in the revised pay rules is the merger of certain scales and the up-gradation of pay scales of certain posts. I have already touched upon the topic of merger of scales in my previous blog. Here I will discuss the topic of up-gradation of pay scales.
The pay scales of SOs/JAOs has been upgraded from pre-revised scales of 6500-200-10500 to the pre-revised scale of 7500-250-12500, that of the AAOs has been upgraded from 7450-225-11500 to 7500-250-12500 and the pay scale of AOs has been upgraded from 7500-250-12500 to 8000-275-13500. What does this up-gradation mean in real terms to these officials ? How does it benefit them during fixation and promotion ? Let me answer these questions.
A reading of the notification and the clarification issued by the government clearly indicates that the up-gradation does not mean that these officials will get placed in the higher pay scale on 01-01-2006 and that their fixation under revised pay bands will be with reference to their pay in the up-graded scale. The up-gradation only means that these officials will draw the grade pay of the up-graded scales. Thus a SO/JAO and a AAO will draw grade pay of 4800 (which is the grade pay for the scale 7500-12500) and an AO will draw grade pay of 5400(which is the grade pay of the scale 8000-13500). Let me illustrate this with some examples
Pay fixation of a JAO drawing 7100 on 01-01-06 in the scale of 6500-200-10500.
His fixation on 01-01-2006 as JAO will be:
- Existing Pay Scale: 6500-200-10500
- Pay Band Applicable: 9300-34800
- Existing Basic Pay as on 01-01-2006: 7100
- Pay after multiplication factor of 1.86: 13210
- Pay in the Pay Band: 13210
- Pay in the pay band after including benefit of bunching if any: 13210
- Grade Pay attached to the scale: 4800
- Revised Pay = total of pay in the pay band and grade pay: 18010
- Minimum of the pay in this grade: 18150
- Revised Pay = total of pay in the pay band and grade pay: 18150
- Existing Pay Scale: 6500-200-10500
- Up-graded Pay Scale: 7500-250-12500
- Pay Band Applicable: 9300-34800
- Existing Basic Pay as on 01-01-2006: 7100
- Basic Pay after Up-gradation: 7500
- Pay after multiplication factor of 1.86: 13950
- Pay in the Pay Band: 13950
- Pay in the pay band after including benefit of bunching if any: 13950
- Grade Pay attached to the scale: 4800
- Revised Pay = total of pay in the pay band and grade pay: 18750
- Minimum of the pay in this grade: 18150
- Revised Pay = total of pay in the pay band and grade pay: 18750
Pay fixation of a AAO drawing 8575 on 01-01-06 in the scale of 7450-225-11500.
His fixation on 01-01-2006 will be:
- Existing Pay Scale: 7450-225-11500
- Pay Band Applicable: 9300-34800
- Existing Basic Pay as on 01-01-2006: 8575
- Pay after multiplication factor of 1.86: 15950
- Pay in the Pay Band: 15950
- Pay in the pay band after including benefit of bunching if any: 15950
- Grade Pay attached to the scale: 4800
- Revised Pay = total of pay in the pay band and grade pay: 20750
- Minimum of the pay in this grade: 18150
- Revised Pay = total of pay in the pay band and grade pay: 20750
- Existing Pay Scale: 7450-225-11500
- Up-graded Pay Scale: 7500-250-12500
- Pay Band Applicable: 9300-34800
- Existing Basic Pay as on 01-01-2006: 8575
- Basic Pay after Up-gradation: 8750
- Pay after multiplication factor of 1.86: 16280
- Pay in the Pay Band: 16280
- Pay in the pay band after including benefit of bunching if any: 16280
- Grade Pay attached to the scale: 4800
- Revised Pay = total of pay in the pay band and grade pay: 21080
- Minimum of the pay in this grade: 18150
- Revised Pay = total of pay in the pay band and grade pay: 18750
Similarly will be the pay fixation of AOs and SAOs. Please note that in all cases the up-gradation of pre-revised scales means these officials will be getting only the grade pay of the up-graded scales. If not for the up-gradation they would have got the grade pay of their respective scales i.e., 4200, 4600 and 4800.
I hope the above clears any doubts you may have about up-gradation. For further queries and specific examples post your comments to this blog.
CLARIFICATION IS FINE. HOW ABOUT CLEARING THE DOUBT REGARDING FIXATION IN EX.NO.3 I.E. FIXING THE PAY AS Rs.11360.00. pLEASE QUOTE THE RULE. iF a person drawing pay of Rs.3650 as on 1.1.2005 in the pay scale of Rs.3050-75 is promoted to 4000 scale and fixed as rs.4000/-on 31.7.2006 what would be the fixation. Whether we have to calculate 4000X1.86 or applicable DA or it would be better to opt for new pay commission w.e.f. 1.7.06 to have full benefit. kindly clarify.
CLARIFICATION IS FINE. HOW ABOUT CLEARING THE DOUBT REGARDING FIXATION IN EX.NO.3 I.E. FIXING THE PAY AS Rs.11360.00. pLEASE QUOTE THE RULE. iF a person drawing pay of Rs.3650 as on 1.1.2005 in the pay scale of Rs.3050-75 is promoted to 4000 scale and fixed as rs.4000/-on 31.7.2006 what would be the fixation. Whether we have to calculate 4000X1.86 or applicable DA or it would be better to opt for new pay commission w.e.f. 1.7.06 to have full benefit. kindly clarify.
will you please reply.
How to fix the pay of an employee who was promoted in November,2005 but opted to fix his pay fixed on the date of next increment ie. fberuary,2006. whether it should be treated as promotion in February,2006 or not. He was drawing a pay of Rs.4350/- in 3050-75-80 scale and was promoted to Rs.4000-100-6000 scale and his pay was fixed as Rs.4600/- in feburary,2006.
Please clarify
Dear Pradheep
In example 3 the person is fixed at 11360 because it is the minimum of the scale in that grade. Relevant rule is FRSR 22-1-a-i.
Shouldn't it be 3650 on 1-1-2006. If that is the case than
Pay on 1-1-06 will be 8690 (6790 + 1900)
On 1-7-06 you get an increment and pay becomes 8960 (7060 + 1900)
On 31-7-06 pay becomes 9910 (7510 + 2400) which is minimum of the scale for grade pay 2400.
Once you opt for revised pay on 01-01-2006 subsequent fixation on 31-7-2006 will be with respect to what pay you were drawing in PB-1 with grade pay 1900 and not with respect to your pay in scale 4000-100-6000.
If you opt for fixation in revised scale on date of promotion you will draw 3650 in the old scale up to 30-7-2006 and your pay on 31-7-06 will be 9910 (4000*1.86 = 7440 + 2400 = 9840 but this is less than the minimum of 9910) Note that you will lose out on the arrears for 1-1-06 to 31-7-06.
Better opt for revise pay from 1-1-06
Dear Pradheep
The person will have to re-exercise his option to fix pay from date of promotion (November) instead of date of next increment (February). Once he does that his pay will be fixed in promoted scale in November and in the corresponding revised pay scale on 01-1-2006.
Dear Ali,
Thanks for your response. the minimum of basic pay for grade pay 2400 i.e. 9910 is only for those who joined on or after 1.1.2006 or for new recruits. In this case,it cannot be said to be so. Should we treat it as an anamoly and straight away fix his pay. Should the employee give representation. Please clarify.
Just clear one doubt.
How you refer to minimum of pay in a grade.
Quoting from your example :
scale of 4500-7000 upgraded to 6500-10500 (PB2 9300-34800)
1. Basic pay as on 1.1.06 : 4500/-
2. Multiplicative factor result :
4500 x 1.86 = 8370 (I suspect this should be 9300 because it is the lower limit of pay band 2)
3. Grade pay of PB2 (9300-34800 for 6500-10500) 4200/-
4. Total of band pay & Grade pay :
8370+4200 = 12570
5. Benefit of bunching : NIL
New basic pay : 12570
here if I try to find LOWEST BASIC FOR THAT SCALE , where do I find it ?
The minimum of the scale/entry level pay in any grade is applicable to anyone who joins that grade on or after 01-01-2006 including new recruits or promotees to that grade pay. There is no need for any representation or treatment as anamoly. Refer rule 7-1-A-ii of the notification which say if pay worked out as pay*1.86+Grade pay is less than the minimum it will be fixed at the minimum.
Although PB-1 starts at 5200 the amount 5200 is not the minimum of the scale for those with grade pay 2400. 5200 is minimum for post with grade pay 1800. Same is the case for all pay bands.
Ali i am sorry that i have to disagree with your interpretation. It is stated in Rule 7 (1)(A)(ii)that the minimum of the revised pay band/payscale is more than the amount arrived at as per(i)above, the pay shall be fixed at the minimum.If you see the FIRST SCHEDULE OF PART-a, IT IS STATED AS REVISED PAY STRUCTURE AND BELOW IT AS CORRESPONDING PAY BANDS/SCALES. AS SUCH ONLY IF YOU DO NOT REACH THE MINIMUM OF THE PAY BAND SAY Rs,5200 for PB-1, the pay can be raised to Rs.5200/- and not for all scales as given in your reply. Please verify and let me know. Similarly your interpretation that the entry pay for all employees The minimum of the scale/entry level pay in any grade is applicable to anyone who joins that grade on or after 01-01-2006 including new recruits or promotees to that grade pay is not correct as in Section II of notification it is clearly stated that entry pay in the revised pay structure for direct recurits appointed on or after 1.1.2006 which means it is not applicable to promotees. You may once again look into it in the light of my interpretation and revert back if my interpretation is wrong. My interpretation is that you cannot fix minimum of pay scale if he is a promotee and only 3% increment can be given.
WHY NO comments. Please clarify on the points raised by me above
Can you please explain fixation if scales are upgraded and someone like me is working at basic of 8900in the scale of 6500 on 1.1.06 after IACP and promoted on 27.04.06 in the same scale and fixed at 9700 on 1.10.06(month of increment)
In oct 2007 upgraded to scale of 7500 after II ACP and fixed at 10000 in the scale of 7500-12000.
Now these scales are upgraded.How my pay will be fixed and when should I give my option for fixation for maximum benefit?
Rakesh Tyagi
Sir my wife is a staff nurse and her pay scale is 5000-150-8000. Her basic as on 01-01-2006 is 6200 (08 increments) and her increment month is October. Now 6th CPC has recommended the pay scale of 7450-225-11500 (Grade pay 4600) for staff nurses.
Now as per your illustration her Pay fixation will be like she is drawing drawing 6200 on 01-01-06 in the scale of 5000-150-8000.
Her fixation on 01-01-2006 will be:
Existing Pay Scale: 5000-150-8000
Pay Band Applicable: 9300-34800
Existing Basic Pay as on 01-01-2006: 6200
Pay after multiplication factor of 1.86: 11532
Pay in the Pay Band: 11540
Pay in the pay band after including benefit of bunching if any: 11540 (Not sure about this bunching process)
Grade Pay attached to the scale: 4600
Revised Pay = total of pay in the pay band and grade pay: 16140
Minimum of the pay in this grade: 17140
Revised Pay = total of pay in the pay band and grade pay: 17140
Sir above calculation was given by you. But what happen to someone who has entered the department as staff nurse on 01-01-2006 at basic pay of 5000 (on same pay scale of 5000-150-8000}. As per your calculation his basic will also get fixed at 17140 (as this is the starting pay of the scale). My question is someone who has served the department for eight years and who has earned eight increment will be placed at the same basic pay at what some one who has just entered the service or the person who has served for eight years will get some more benefit. Sir Please help
Mr Pummy,
I think the pay fixation worked out by you is logically correct. I myself am not very sure about the concept of bunching. Yes it may seem that in spite of being senior she may earn as much as a new recruit, but this the way things are, as per the present rules. She may get the benefit of bunching, although I am not sure how that will work.
Pradheep it is quite illogical to say that a promotee will get 3% benefit on promotion while a new recruit gets fixed at the entry level pay which is much higher than that of the promotee.
Eample: An LDC (3050) passes the JAO exam (held in organized accounts offices) and is promoted to the post of SO on 31-12-2005. His fixation will be
On 31-12-2005 from basic of lets say 3425 (5 years of service) in 3050 scale to minimum 6500 in 6500 scale.
On 01-01-2006 his pay will be 6500*1.86+4800 = 16890.
A new recruit joins this organization on 2-1-2006 as a direct recruit to SO post. His pay will be 18150 on joining.
16890 for a promotee versus 18150 for a new recruit is obviously so absurdly illogical.
So it is imperative that any promotee to a particular grade will get the minimum entry level pay of that grade if not more.
Pay fixation of a teacher drawing 4500 on 01-01-06 in the scale of 4500-125-7000.
His fixation on 01-01-2006 will be:
1. Existing Pay Scale: 4500-125-7000
2. Pay Band Applicable: 9300-34800
3. Existing Basic Pay as on 01-01-2006: 4500
4. Pay after multiplication factor of 1.86: 8370(I suspect this should be 9300 because it is the lower limit of pay band 2)
5. Pay in the Pay Band: 8370
6. Pay in the pay band after including benefit of bunching if any: 8370
7. Grade Pay attached to the scale: 4200
8. Revised Pay = total of pay in the pay band and grade pay: 12570
9. Minimum of the pay in this grade: ?????????
10. Revised Pay = total of pay in the pay band and grade pay: ??????
Just provide me answers to the above two blanks.I shall be highly grateful to you .
For Mr Vikram
Answers to the last two blanks
Pay fixation of a teacher drawing 4500 on 01-01-06 in the scale of 4500-125-7000.
His fixation on 01-01-2006 will be:
1. Existing Pay Scale: 4500-125-7000
2. Pay Band Applicable: 9300-34800 and Grade Pay: 4200
3. Existing Basic Pay as on 01-01-2006: 4500
4. Pay after multiplication factor of 1.86: 8370
5. Pay in the Pay Band: 8370
6. Pay in the pay band after including benefit of bunching if any: 8370
7. Grade Pay attached to the scale: 4200
8. Revised Pay = total of pay in the pay band and grade pay: 12570
9. Minimum of the pay in this grade: 13500 (9300 + 4200) See page 43 of the notification.
10. Revised Pay = total of pay in the pay band and grade pay: 13500
Thank you sir
Sir my wife is a staff nurse and her pay scale is 5000-150-8000. Her basic as on 01-01-2006 is 6200 (08 increments) and her increment month is October. Now 6th CPC has recommended the pay scale of 7450-225-11500 (Grade pay 4600) for staff nurses.
Now as per your illustration her Pay fixation will be like she is drawing drawing 6200 on 01-01-06 in the scale of 5000-150-8000.
Her fixation on 01-01-2006 will be:
Existing Pay Scale: 5000-150-8000
Pay Band Applicable: 9300-34800
Existing Basic Pay as on 01-01-2006: 6200
Pay after multiplication factor of 1.86: 11532
Pay in the Pay Band: 11540
Pay in the pay band after including benefit of bunching if any: 11540 (Not sure about this bunching process)
Grade Pay attached to the scale: 4600
Revised Pay = total of pay in the pay band and grade pay: 16140
Minimum of the pay in this grade: 17140
Revised Pay = total of pay in the pay band and grade pay: 17140
Sir above calculation was given by you. But what happen to someone who has entered the department as staff nurse on 01-01-2006 at basic pay of 5000 (on same pay scale of 5000-150-8000}. As per your calculation his basic will also get fixed at 17140 (as this is the starting pay of the scale). My question is someone who has served the department for eight years and who has earned eight increment will be placed at the same basic pay at what some one who has just entered the service or the person who has served for eight years will get some more benefit. Sir Please help
Further Sir I would like to draw your attention towards the Railways notification in r.o. 6th CPC ( RBE No. 109 Notification No. PC-VI/2008/I/RSRP/I dt. 12.09.2008 wherein detailed fixation tables for each stage in each of the pre revised scales of Running Staffs are given. If you compare any table (say 5000-150-8000 pre-revised) with that of Finance_Ministry_OM_-_Pay_Fixation_-_Arrears.pdf file table, you will find a huge difference for example in the table of 5000-150-8000 at 6200 basic Railways has recommended a revised pay of 17340 while Finance Ministry has recommended only 15740. Can anybody tell why this difference is there. Waiting anxiously for your reply.
Mr Pummy,
The pay fixation tables given in Railways Notification No. 109 is meant for running staff only. For other staff the GOI notification stands. Refer to Railways notification no. 108 dated 11-09-2008, you will get a clear picture.
As for your wife's pay fixation I think the pay fixation worked out by you is logically correct. I myself am not very sure about the concept of bunching. Yes it may seem that in spite of being senior she may earn as much as a new recruit, but this the way things are, as per the present rules. I myself am not very sure about the concept of bunching. She may get the benefit of bunching, although I am not sure how that will work.
New Salary received but pay fixation wrong:
Sir my wife is a staff nurse and her pay scale is 5000-150-8000. Her basic as on 01-01-2006 is 6200 (08 increments) and her increment month is October. Now 6th CPC has recommended the pay scale of 7450-225-11500 (Grade pay 4600) for staff nurses.
Now as per your illustration her Pay fixation will be like she is drawing drawing 6200 on 01-01-06 in the scale of 5000-150-8000.
Her fixation on 01-01-2006 will be:
Existing Pay Scale: 5000-150-8000
Pay Band Applicable: 9300-34800
Existing Basic Pay as on 01-01-2006: 6200
Pay after multiplication factor of 1.86: 11532
Pay in the Pay Band: 11540
Pay in the pay band after including benefit of bunching if any: 11540 (Not sure about this bunching process)
Grade Pay attached to the scale: 4600
Revised Pay = total of pay in the pay band and grade pay: 16140
Minimum of the pay in this grade: 17140
Revised Pay = total of pay in the pay band and grade pay: 17140
Sir But my wife's department has fixed her basic pay on 01-01-2006 as 16140/- only, whereas her juniors who were appointed on or after 01-01-2006 are fixed at 17140/- basic (as this is the minimum basic for new entrants in the pay scale of 7450-225-11500). Now instead of giving any weightage for the past service, her department has fixed her salary less than her juniors. Now her juniors (junior by 8 to 10 years) will get more salary than what she will be getting. Please tell me what procedure should I adopt now? How will this anamoly will be removed?
Pls help
Dear Sir
On 1.1 .2006, I was working in the scale of 6500-200-10500 with basic pay Rs.8500 with July as Increment Month. I was promoted to the scale of 10000-325-15200 on 14.7.2006.
My question is , If I opt for the Sixth Pay Commission from the date of promotion i.e.14.7.06 will I get the fixation benefit of pay commission i.e. 10000*1.86+ Grade Pay 6600 =25200.
I would also like to know which one would be beneficial.
mr. pl. let me know how you would fix my pay under the following circumstance: i passed the jao(postal) exam in 1992 and still awaiting regular promotion. on 09/12/2005 i got ACPII i.e. in the ps of Rs.6500-200-10500. i opted to get my pay fixed in ACP on the date of my next increment i.e. 01.01.2006. my pay in 5500-175-9000 scale was Rs.7900/- and i was in receipt of qp of Rs.60/- and RS.140/-
i will be grateful if the following is clarified.
i ws promoted as jao on19.06.2006 . before that i was drawing 6375 as senior accountant .pay was fixed at 6700(6375+175 higher pay in 6500-200)
i want to forgop my arrears from 1.1.06to 18.1.06.
will i get 7500(fixation of pay ionold scale taking into account the upgraded scale)+dp+da rounded to the next higher that is 16540 and grade pay 4800 on 19.06.06 date of incerment 01.07.2007
or ,will i ge +6700+dp
da that is14780plus 4800grade pay date of next increment 01.07.2007
kindly clarify
s k mishra,
i will be grateful if the following is clarified.
i ws promoted as jao on19.06.2006 . before that i was drawing 6375 as senior accountant .pay was fixed at 6700(6375+175 higher pay in 6500-200)
i want to forgop my arrears from 1.1.06to 18.1.06.
will i get 7500(fixation of pay ionold scale taking into account the upgraded scale)+dp+da rounded to the next higher that is 16540 and grade pay 4800 on 19.06.06 date of incerment 01.07.2007
or ,will i ge +6700+dp
da that is14780plus 4800grade pay date of next increment 01.07.2007
kindly clarify
s k mishra,
As an assistant engineer with more than 10 years service and entry level basic of 6500/- what should be my present grade pay if upgraded to 7500/-
I was appointed in29/12/1983 as arecord clerk promoted as a UDC IN 01/03/1996 IN PAY /scale 4000-6000 the scale of
2ed ACP on 29/12/2007 in scale of 4200
3ed MACP on 29/12/2013 in 4600 grade pay
what is my gp i got 2ed acp after 1/1/2006
iam eligible in 5000+5500 merger scale
The Central Civil Services Revised Pay Rules (2008) have been notified. The pay structure has been modified totally bringing in new concepts of Pay Bands and Grade Pay.
(For the organized accounts set-up the most significant development in the revised pay rules is the merger of certain scales and the up-gradation of pay scales of certain posts. I have already touched upon the topic of merger of scales in my previous blog. Here I will discuss the topic of up-gradation of pay scales.)
What about Rule 11(i) who opt 6th cpc after 01-01-2006 or from the date of DNI, subsequent DNI or date of promotion
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