Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sixth Pay Commission - Merger of Scales

As per the recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission the pre-revised pay scales of 5500-175-9000 and 6500-200-10500 have been merged. While explaining the rationale behind this move the Commission makes the following statement in its report " The Commission does not consider it necessary to go into the merit of the demand of parity between Senior Accountants (SA) and Assistants of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) because it is recommending merger of the pre-revised pay scales of Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500 which will automatically place Assistants in CSS and SAs in an identical revised pay band and grade pay."

It is obvious the pay commission has clearly not addressed the issue of parity of SAs with Assistant in CSS. And although it seems that with the merger of the pay scales both the SAs and the Assistants are in the same pay band and grade pay, there will inherently remain a difference in the pay drawn by them. This inspite of the fact that the Commission had been specifically requested by the Government to address the issue of parity and in fact the commission goes to great length to explain that there is no rationale for officials of Secretariat to seek higher scale vis-a-vis officials of other organisations which traditionally had a parity with them (see chapter 3.1 of the report).

As such Senior Accountant of our organisation have been denied the benefits of parity which we all know has been conceeded by the CAT on an earlier occasion and which even the Commission acknowledges in its report. The merger of scales is just an illusion without any real benefit to the SA's of our organisation. The real benifit will arise only when we are placed in the scale of 6500-200-10500 with the Assistants of CSS as on 1-1-1996.

We have to seek a closure on this issue with the government and I hope we will fight unitedly on this issue.


Raja said...

what if one take option to pay fix from the date of promotion in the revised pay band.I am promoted as JAO on 28/12/2006 and may pay fixed at 6700/- and want to take option.

Raja said...

what if someone give the option to fix his pay from the date of promotion. As I am promoted as JAO on 28/12/2007 and my pay fixed as Rs.6700. Will my Basic Pay will be 7500/- on that date then enter into revised pay structure.

Raja said...

what if someone give the option to fix his pay from the date of promotion. As I am promoted as JAO on 28/12/2006 and my pay fixed as Rs.6700. Will my Basic Pay will be 7500/- on that date then enter into revised pay structure by multiplying the 7500/- by 1.86

Dead Weight said...

Dear Raja,
If you opt for fixation on date of promotion as JAO, you will draw pay in the old scale upto 28-12-06 and draw as per revised scale from 28-12-06.
On 28-12-06 your pay will 6700 (NOT 7500) in pre-revised scale and in the revised scale it will be 18150 (pay 13350 + grade pay 4800).

Anonymous said...

What will happen to Data Processing Assistants Grade 'A' and 'B' as they were in the pay scales of 5500-9000 and 6500-10500 respectively. Are they stand merged to the scale of 7450? Pls help...

Dead Weight said...

Dear Dev
I don't know exactly about Data Processing Assistants as no such post exists in my set-up. However if DPA-A were in the pay scales you mentioned they will most probably be placed in PB-2 with grade pay 4200. As for DPA-B they have been up-graded to scale 7450-11500 and will be placed in PB-2 with GP 4600. (Refer page 46 of notification)

Anonymous said...

I want to know how the pay of UDC shall be fixed subsequent to his joining as JAO, on 15.09.08. He was drawing pay of Rs.10610.00 including grade pay of Rs.2400.00 in PB-1 as UDC, prior to his joining as JAO. Sixth CPC has recommended scale of 9300-34800, Grade pay 4800 in PB-2 in respect of JAO.

Unknown said...

I shall be grateful if you could give me a reply for this

I am a LDC after two ACP working in the scale of 5000-150-8000 from August 2000. My Basic pay on 1.1.2006 is 5750. I would like to know what grade pay I would get on fixation on 1.1.2006. GP 4200 according to the scale, 5000-150-8000 or 2400 according to hierarchy of scales in the list.

Ist appointment of LDC in the scale of 3050-75-3950-80-4590 (Grade pay 1900)
since in the hierarchy there are scale
3200-85-4590(grade pay 2000)
4000-100-6000 (Grade Pay 2400)
4500-125-7000(Grade pay 2800)
and then comes 5000-150-8000 (with grade pay 4200)

I got ACP according to the post in the office i.e. LDC to UDC scale and then from UDC to Assistant Scale. Since the revised ACP is according to the hierarchy of scales/grade pay would I get 4200 as GP or 2400 . It may please be noted I got all my ACPs before 1.1.2006 Can the revised ACP change what I have already got before 1.1.2006

I shall be grateful for a reply.


Akhand Bharat said...

I find that you have replied to queries of number of members

I am a Grade C steno in MHA cadre and was promoted from Grade D to Grade C by passing Ltd. Departmental Exam 2006 in April,2008. My department fixed my pay in Rs. 6500/ into revised scale of Rs. 12090 + GP 4200. But now as per audit objection, it should be 9300 + 4200 as I was promoted in April, 2008 (after 1.1.2006). Now my deptt says that either you lose your arrears and get pay fixed in 12090/- or get arrears and fixed in 9300. Please let me know what option is left with me to avoid this financial loss which is hitting me too hard. Please help me out at your earliest.

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