Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Dear friends and colleagues of the Civil Accounts Organization. A warm and hearty welcome to all of you to this blog. This is a humble attempt by me to provide a forum for all the employees of the Civil Accounts Organization to present, ponder, discuss and share our views on matters and issues relating to our organisation. I invite everybody related to this organisation or otherwise to participate in this blog. I hope that with the involvement of everybody this blog will serve as an effectivew medium of dialogue and communication for all the constituents of this organisation. We seek your valued views and contributions as also your critique and suggestions on this blog.


Anonymous said...

Can you please explain fixation if scales are upgraded and someone like me is working at basic of 8900in the scale of 6500 on 1.1.06 after IACP and promoted on 27.04.06 in the same scale and fixed at 9700 on 1.10.06(month of increment)
In oct 2007 upgraded to scale of 7500 after II ACP and fixed at 10000 in the scale of 7500-12000.
Now these scales are upgraded.How my pay will be fixed and when should I give my option for fixation for maximum benefit?
Rakesh Tyagi

Anonymous said...

Dear Ali I am anxiously waiting for your answer.
Rakesh Tyagi

Jee main result said...

It's a good piece of information. High intensity content and it is presented in a good manner. Hopefully waiting for your next post.

Jee mains result |

Jee main result